lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

lalal Lololo

lalal Lololo

In Argentina, less than half the students finish secondary

According to a report that agreed, the country has one of the lowest rates in Latin America in relation to the number of students graduating high school: 43 percent. In Peru and Chile, they do 70% of the students. Since 2003, we see a drop in enrollment in public schools

In Argentina, only 43% of students starting with secondary education completed, according to a report published by the Instituto Di Tella. That is less than half of those enrolled complete reaches the age of twelve that make up the primary and secondary.

This places the country one of the lowest positions in Latin America, down from Bolivia, Paraguay and Ecuador. The best locations are the Peruvians and the Chileans, who have 70% of students completing the cycle.

Given the lack of compliance with education laws, parents are increasingly choosing to send their children to private schools, in a clear exodus from public school.

Since 2003, the state registration recorded a steady decline, which has fallen by 250,000 students. Buenos Aires City has 127,000 fewer pupils, Santa Fe, with 32,000; Mendoza, with 20,000, and 15,000 students lost Córdoba in public schools. This flight from state education leads to higher enrollment in private schools in the 2002-2009 period rose 18 percent.

The metropolitan area is the one with the largest number of people attending private schools. 52% of students attend such schools at the expense of the public. The Suburbs and the province of Buenos Aires next in the list, with 40 and 35% attendance at private schools, respectively. Among the areas with the lowest attendance are Formosa, Chaco and La Rioja.

At a time when, due to shortcomings in terms of labor supply and different job skills, the diploma of secondary education appears as a necessity, but never enough.

Regarding college graduation rates, numbers are not very encouraging. While countries like Iceland 66% of students achieved a university degree in our country only makes 14%, according to a report published by UNESCO.

In Latin America the best housed in Panama, which has a college graduation rate of 25%.


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