lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011



The software giant introduced the beta Kodu PC, a game developed by the Research Division that allows users to create their own worlds while teaching them the basics of programming. To use, you must have a Windows Live account to apply for the beta on Microsoft Connect and answer the 14 questions of the "Questionnaire Kodu Academic Program."
Initially, the program was designed as an educational tool for young users of Xbox 360. Two years ago was launched as a service with a powerful programming language quickly succeeded in academia.
Since this version, Kodu was downloaded more than 200 000 times and is used by more than 6 institutions worldwide, Microsoft said. But now, schools do not have to buy Xbox consoles and their respective controls, as Microsoft moved this tool to the desktop PC.
With respect to the Xbox 360, PC Kodu has several changes: improvements in terms of character movement, the greater combinations of sensors and actions, tools for editing scenarios and the possibility that the characters respond to keyboard and mouse events .
However, because this is a version of "Technical Preview", has some flaws, as some modest computer hardware may have problems running Kodu (can be improved by lowering the graphics options in the program) in the export problems games.
According to Microsoft, Kodu can be used by developers of seven to 70 years because it has simple icons that define the "rules of the world" in the game and not a complex programming language. The company expects to be a tool to introduce children to programming, helping to design, calculate and solve problems.
In addition, the Redmond firm claims that this program aims to give children a hands-on experience on your computer. Did not say when Microsoft will release the final version of Kodu, but promised to release updates every two weeks.

Here I give you a couple of videos




Pd: Below all this

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