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Now that we have in the northern hemisphere have had time to digest the Windows 7 hype and get ready for next winter, we thought we would get some hard data about Windows 7 security.
On October 22, we settled in less than SophosLabs and loads a full version copy of Windows 7 on a clean machine. We set to follow the system defaults to the User Account Control (UAC) and does not charge any anti-virus software.
We take only the next 10 samples that came to power SophosLabs to see how well the new, more secure version of Windows and UAC up. Unfortunately, despite claims from Microsoft, Windows 7 disappointed as previous versions of Windows. The good news is that cooler of the 10 samples that arrived, two do not work properly in Windows 7.
User Account Control was a block of shows, however, its failure to block anything more than reinforce my warning before the release of Windows 7 UAC the default settings is not effective in protecting a PC from modern malware.
Lesson learned? Still need to run antivirus on Windows 7. Microsoft, the Microsoft Security Intelligence Report released yesterday, said: "The infection rate of Windows Vista SP1 was 61.9 percent less than Windows XP SP3."
But do not get complacent. Microsoft seems to be saying that Vista is the least ugly baby in his family. You can be sure that the next report highlights his younger brother, much less ugly, Windows 7.
Why say this? As of October 31 indicates that Windows Vista has a market share of 19% against 70.5% of Windows XP and Windows 7% 2. Approximately 1 in 5 users are using Windows Vista or Windows 7. These users often have newer computers, automatic application of patches, and firewalls and anti-virus software in place.
With millions of hosts are infected Conficker ZBot and Bredo, it is clear a lot of unprotected machines are still there, and it is not surprising that most of them are XP.
The chart above shows, users of Windows 7 will not have to feel excluded. You can still participate in the botnet ZBot, with a side of fake antivirus. Windows 7 is a cure for citrus tristeza virus, so be sure to bring protection to boot.
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