lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011



A quick wash

The collecting agency of Argentina has developed a free game for children and adolescents in which a heroine fighting tax evasion and defends the values ​​of being a good taxpayer.

The Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP) said in a statement that the game, the first to develop an Argentine government agency for education, will be officially unveiled next 28, in an exhibition of children's literature.

"Risk Profile", the name of this game, stars Martina, the heroine of fiction and research of special cases of the AFIP was born in a comic also developed by the tax agency.

Martina became notorious among young audiences after appearing in comic magazines and Geniuses Billiken Kids, resolving cases of tax evasion, smuggling and unregistered work.

The new game, which is for children from 10 to 16 years, was developed entirely in Argentina "with a remarkable quality that places it at the height of this genre of video games sold anywhere in the world," said the AFIP .

"This is the first case in which a public body of our country uses a video game for educational purposes. The appearance of this product shows that the state is also able to create quality material for cultural consumption of the Argentine" , said the tax agency.

The game will guide Martina to solve twelve missions which will stage the landscapes of different regions of Argentina.

Solve each mission will require players to between 60 and 90 minutes, so to complete the entire game will take at least twelve hours.

A game demo is now available at with which you can get an approximation to what will be the full game will be available during the first week of September.

Furthermore, the AFIP distributed in schools a CD with the game, which may also be achieved in the centers of the body.



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