lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

"Chavez after children in Venezuela"


Quite important if you leave too lazy to read a file. Mp3 to download it and can listen to it but I left quite impressed and I'm not Venezuelan. : O

Aringueros T! such good as this contribution is that I get a mail from a friend and I found it quite important that President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela wants to take possession of Venezuelan children by modifcacion or rather the inclusion of new items in which reads as follows: to the homeland to caring for children under 20 will be the Venezuelan government and parents only handle these only up to 3 years old, after that the government will educate physically and mentally Based on the convenience of the Venezuelan people WTF!!

I leave the details of the items and the file to be put down and I can hear.

File to download:


The Argentine news portal Total News brings disturbing information about Venezuela. Under the title "The medieval draft Hugo Chavez for children", denounced the new Education Act, subject to the study of the National Assembly.

Cites three articles of this draft law which violate the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, signed by most countries, including the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
They say:

Article III: "Since the enactment of this Act, the parental rights of persons under age 20 shall be exercised by the State by persons or organizations in which this delegated authority."

Article IV: "Every child will remain in the care of their parents until they reach the age of 3 years, after which they must be committed to their physical and mental well as civic capacity, the Organization of body care centers by this Act is empowered to discolocar the care and custody of the person exercising parental authority over these children. "

Article V: "The Organization shall make predictions care centers so that every child between 3 and 10 years remain in the province of residence of the parents and trying to be taken into the homes of the same not less than two days per month, not to lose contact with the family. "

According to Total News That article adds:

"After 10 years, every child will be assigned for cultural education and civic training is most appropriate place for them, taking into account the best interests of the nation. The National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation, shall predictions do all designed to increase physical and sporting minors supervised by the Organization of daycare centers. "

Loss of parental authority to the State, only education provided by the "Organization of day care centers" and transfer to any site Delente country to pursue the investigation after serving 10 years are the highlights of this law. As recalled by the news portal, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, determines:

"States Parties shall ensure that the child is not separated from their parents against their will, except when subject to judicial review, the competent authorities determine, in accordance with the law and procedures, that such separation is necessary the best interests of the child "

The Bolivarian Revolution has a new ingredient, if this amazing project is ultimately true.


Chavez WTF: S

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