lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

Brazil defense shield will prevent intimidation

Brazil defense shield will prevent intimidation

defense shield will prevent intimidation

The defense shield that Brazil will avoid any act of intimidation

Strategic Affairs Minister will today outline his project in Argentina - Bet to strengthen the military area.

Brazil is determined to begin a process of social and industrial change to get to the level of an international power. Upward movement may encounter obstacles, causing envy or generate adversaries. Such situations were taken into account by those who designed the future of Brazil. "If we open a new way in the world need a defense shield," he told La Nacion the Minister of Strategic Affairs, Roberto Mangabeira Unger.

"Of all the large countries, Brazil is the most peaceful, which has less experience of war. But we need to say no when we say no," the official who submitted this week to President Lula Da Silva on development plan Brazilian. Strengthen the military wing is one of the decisions taken in Brasilia, a project whose heart pumps expectations in the important reforms in the educational, commercial, labor relations and support to small and medium enterprises as a new growth paradigm economic.

Mangabeira Unger come to Argentina today to publicize details of the plan in Brazil. His agenda is planning meetings in the ministries of Defense, Planning, Interior, Education, Science and Technology, as well as talks on the CGT, the Industrial Union of Argentina and the Argentine Council on Foreign Relations.

While still a presidential approval, it is estimated that Brazil's defense budget will rise from 1.5 to 2.7 percent of gross domestic product (Argentina spends 0.9 percent) Mangabeira Unger chose not to give specific figures investment, but gave a definition as a signal: "The currency of the defense is sacrifice"

"We worked on the design of the armed forces, configured to have a strong presence throughout the land and the distant sea. We will rebuild the defense industry, with special schemes for the legal and commercial enterprises. Will also be further military service. "

"In a country as unequal as ours there must be an identification of the nation's armed forces, not just a sector that paid for defense deal, but is the result of his own nation weapons, "said Mangabeira Unger.

"We do not work on threats or enemies, but on capabilities we need. We are not an imperialist country and pacifism is part of the identity of Brazil, but that does not remove the responsibility of having the ability to defend ourselves. The defense shield will prevent any intimidation, "he said.

Assembling a defense shield is in Brazilian thought the reason to protect an ambitious strategic growth plan. One step is to take a qualitative leap in manufacturing technology. "SMEs are major sources of technological innovations. We lack in Brazil the periphery of small avant-garde. Within our industrial proposal we talk to the Argentines on alternatives to the patent system to encourage technology transfer."

"In education we want to create a new middle school, encyclopedic or not informative, but technical and vocational education. The intention is to encourage emerging petty bourgeoisie, which is the horizon for most people. We have a thought formed in his left but do not want to repeat the mistake of thinking the bourgeoisie as the enemy. "

Brazil believes in its development and how to defend it.

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