lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

and create a home

and create a home

How to Make a Home ipad

Apple recently unveiled its new creation called iPad, which is basically a kind of tablet PC but stylish iPhone. As well, the price of equipment is not exactly cheap, and many doubted (and still doubt) whether the IPAD can make a hole in the market. And now comes the question now classic: Why buy it if we do it home?

The steps could be these:

1 .- Pick up a notebook.

2 .- Remove the keyboard from the notebook.

3 .- Place a touch screen and remove the old course.

4 .- Install the OS using the iPad, or any of our liking.

OK, you continue to criticize the game to Steve Jobs but impossible to make up for having an iPad, or at least attempt to have a more absurd. This is what shows the fanaticism and desperation that Apple generates over his followers. This was highlighted by Alex Bates, founder of Insanely when he broke an MSI Wind U100 to turn it into an iPad.

According to the author of such a thing, says the project is not yet complete because the interface is based on a hackintosh image, which is obviously illegal. After breaking in two, the transformation process initiated by removing the keyboard, adjust the touch screen and a simple job organizing the cables.

Bates says that the result of its ingenious project, is an IPAD with more speed, more storage, webcam, USB ports and VGA output. He added that will provide a tutorial for those interested.

I agree not destroy a computer to meet the whim of having an iPad, but I like the idea of having a tablet with these characteristics.

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