lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

Tutorial PS3 to load games

Tutorial PS3 to load games

Spanish Hacking PS3 games load game tutorial jailbreak

Hi folks, today I bring you a tutorial on how to upload games to a PS3

Materials needed

1 - Have flashed with the PS3 firmware 3.55
2 - Having the open Manager
3 - Have the LV2
4 - Have Disk External or 8GB or 16GB Pendrive (s upload games to make the games go weighing between this space)
5 - Have original play Blu-Ray


1 - Unzip the Open Manager and LV2

2 - PKG Copy files from folders to a flash drive or external hard drive.

3 - Place the stick into a USB port on the PS3.

4 - Go to games and espererar Install Package Files for it to load and you will see 2 files to install and install and already have installed the Open Manager and LV2

5 - Create a folder on your flash drive or external hard drive called GAMEZ with "Z", not "S" and there put the game you want for example: BLUEXXXXX (the X's are numbers, each game has a number).

6 - After running the LV2, aparesera you some words above all, press X on top of everything and send the menu (you always have to run that program Ensenada after the PS3, but the Open Manager is going to hang ), then run the Open Manager, will appear the name of the game they put in the external disk or flash drive, then click X and sends it to the menu, put an original game and the game will run with the Open q seleccionarion Manager

Here ends the post, until then and I hope in my next post

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