lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

France: 12 years attributable to the

France: 12 years attributable to the

crime attributable

The French government is considering a reform that would allow judges to issue prison sentences for offenders boys. The minimum age is 10 years in England, in Holland, 12, and in Spain, 14.

As stated by the Minister of Justice, Rachida Dati, the measure is the most controversial and criticized the reform package proposed by a commission studying changes in the French Criminal Code.

"To say that a minor may receive a penalty point in the right direction," said Dati, who thus gave his approval to the project that aims to become law by the end of next year.

The study group noted that reducing the minimum age of criminal responsibility closer to the French code of its European neighbors. The official recalled that the minimum age of criminal responsibility is 10 years in England and Switzerland, from 12 in the Netherlands and 14 in Spain. Germany and Italy are also on track to reduce the minimum age of criminal responsibility.

These data should be a role model in Argentina, where after a wave of crime and kidnappings committed by death row with less than 18 years, that age is still the floor of accountability. This resulted in dozens of juvenile offenders return to the streets in a few days.

Dati in turn said that this reform judges have "a better set of tools" to combat crime.

"The real danger threatening our children is not the punishment of the judges, but locking them into the spiral of crime. There is a right to the second and the third time and we have to admit, but not the right to impunity," said the minister.

Dati also favored the idea of ​​the commission to allow police to question children under 12 years "with all the guarantees of their age," but then the fault of the juvenile court.

The minister also approved the idea of ​​creating a "juvenile correctional tribunal" that juvenile judges mix with others more to replace the existing courts for children offenders.

The commission's proposals provoked protests from the two main unions of the judiciary, as well as agencies dealing with the rehabilitation of convicted juveniles.

"The educational care of children does not mean impunity for acts of crime, but a responsible and human support that allows them to realize what is forbidden," the Union of Magistrates, progressive orientation.

The Union of Judges, meanwhile, noted that these measures are "unacceptable" because "threaten the primacy of education against the repressive.


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