lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

Argentina Cristina Kirchner Peronist Nestor Kircner

Argentina Cristina Kirchner Peronist Nestor Kircner

Note: When you do not like or do not sympathize, this post is not for him. Coincidero contribute to free expression and as many bashers here, others believe that what we have is fine. Coexist.

We do not talk. Do. Neoliberalism weakened public education system. In six years, moving in its reconstruction. Construct buildings, equip classrooms with new technology and increase teachers' salaries.

And above all, change the orientation of the system through sustained support to technical education. Today we educate for work and production. The ongoing national project requires an educational system which forms workers able to carry it forward.

Increase the education budget

Doubled in 2005 compared to 2003. Tripled in 2006, jumped to $ 6,700 million. And thanks to the Education Finance Act, the total investment will reach 6% of GDP in 2010.

55 000 scholarships for high school technical courses
This has contributed to a 11% annual growth in enrollment in technical secondary schools in 2007 and 2008.

30 000 Bicentennial Scholarship for tertiary and university technical careers
The annual scholarship amount for each student is $ 5 000 and the total investment is $ 150 million the first year.

110 works in 21 universities
Construction and repair of library, campus, classrooms and laboratories.

1800% increase in the budget for technical education

Week of Science and Scientists go to school are two activities designed to disseminate and stimulate interest in science among students of all levels of education.

Plan 700 schools: 650 opened and 50 in the final stage
Were built throughout the country. The remaining 50 will be ready in the first half of 2009.

More schools plan
It is planned to build 1,000 schools in 6 years at a rate of 200 schools per year until 2014.

300% increase in university budget

450% increase in salaries of university teachers

A full-time senior lecturer went from earning $ 2,259 to $ 9,382. And one-time simple, from $ 179 to $ 1,272.

Increased investment in university quality programs
The number of subjects rendered by freshmen increased 47% and the graduation rate 17% cretion.

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