lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

Game to teach children about sexual abuse

Game to teach children about sexual abuse


An Argentine research team has developed a series of video games to minors aware "so funny" risk of sexual exploitation and child labor, among other topics.

Video games, for 11 to 15 years, have begun to be incorporated into the "netbooks" that the Argentine government delivery to students and teachers of public schools within the national program "Connect Equality," the former Minister of Education Buenos Aires, Roxana Perazza, one of the organizers of the initiative.

One of the games, "Human Resources", invited the children to choose the most relevant phrases to describe sexual exploitation, trafficking in slaves in the eighteenth century and illegal work and servile.

"Can you choose who to have sex?", "Can leave the workplace?" or "Can you use the money you earn?" Some of the questions in the game, combined with images that reflect these issues.

"These issues are hardly addressed in schools, but are contemporary and interesting for students to approach them differently, with elements of youth culture," said Perazza.

The initiative, which includes video games, folders for teachers and other materials on the issues, has the support of the Organization of Iberoamerican States (OEI), the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECI), the Latin American Network Education Portals (RELPE) and the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO).

To raise awareness of forced displacement of populations created the game "The challenge of Villa Gironde, in which students must demonstrate for or against the relocation of a village which plans to build a dam.

"The game provides environmental and economic arguments of both sides, is played on networking between the students and is by time. In the end, they have positions for and against and the majority group wins," said the former director of the Teacher Training School (CEPA) in Buenos Aires Analía Segal, also in charge of the initiative.

After designated the winner, the display offers a glimpse into the future of "Villa Girondo", as the winning option: "If they win those not wanting the relocation, there is a resident explaining that the people have not progressed in the absence of the dam. And if he wins the construction of the work, you can see the local park keeper, who lost his job, but who was dedicated to the attention of visitors to the dam. All the arguments of both sides , may be valid, "said Segal.


Protect your family and future children.


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