lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

★ ★ Prepare game for HIV prevention

★ ★ Prepare game for HIV prevention

game games

The company Schell Games, in collaboration with Yale University in the U.S. and with the support of the initiative Play2Prevent, are jointly producing a game that seeks to prevent the spread of HIV among adolescents.

The game will present an interactive virtual world where players create their own avatar, to represent it in difficult situations, facing moral challenges and having to make decisions that involve risk and benefits. His fictional "travel throughout his life", seeing it changes depending on the type of decisions you have taken, with the possibility of going back in time and review their options, "with the aim of improving its current state- for later acquire skills that will be monitored in real time analyzing the pros and cons of learning.

Dr. Lynn E. Fiellin, Yale University, said that "the objective is to develop innovative educational materials, with specific interventions to reduce risk and prevention among youth and young adults. We believe that video games are powerful tools to help people to explore the roles and the real risks that will have later. "

This project is benefited by the initiative Play2Prevent, founded last year by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in order to approach games in a more social and fun as well as a contribution.

No name yet, the game has its page at the University of Yale, and announces its first development stage. The launch is scheduled for 2012, in tablets and smartphones.

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